Sunday, January 27, 2013

Candice Myburgh - Kleinmond Beauty Queen

Candice won the Kleinmond beauty pageant. One of her prizes was a photo shoot with me, which I was commissioned to shoot. The shoot took place in Kleinmond, a small town in the Western Cape, on the 17th December, which happened to be my last shoot of the year. We only shot for an hour, but I was thrilled with the results that we got in that small space of time. A big congratulations to Candice, who happens to be happily married, and a proud mother of two kids. Thanks to Chantal for dressing and styling Candice for this shoot. Chantal is based in the Western Cape, and you should definitely give her a call if you are looking for a stylist. Chantal: 084 518 5366

Meet the Mulders

This shoot is possibly my favourite family shoot yet. This might be a somewhat bias call, as Theo (the son) is one of my rock climbing partners, but it's unlikely, as I just loved the spontaneity of this shoot more than anything else. The colours seemed to work really well, the locations proved to be ideal, and the Mulder family were filled with joy and excitement. A dream shoot to me, is one in which the photographer is able to express themselves completely, without having to worry about being too atistic, or too "out there", and this shoot was exactly that for me. We did this shoot on the 5 January this year, which happened to be my first shoot of the year. I am hoping to keep this momentum. The whole family did exceptionally well in front of the camera, as you would have noticed by now, but I think Karlina (younger sister in green) takes out the win for "poser of the day", as she just seemed to nail every scene with perfect execution. Big thanks to Kayla Meyer for assisting me with lighting.